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Hello! Welcome to our website! 🥳 We're excited to have you here.

This document outlines the Terms and Conditions for ordering our products, and explains your rights and obligations when entering into a contract with us and using our digital products.

Should you have any questions that aren't answered in these Terms and Conditions, feel free to reach out to us at

Best regards,
Paulina Kacprzak and Aga Naplocha
Design Practice CEOs

1. Preliminary Provisions

We, Paulina Kacprzak and Agnieszka Naplocha, operate as a civil partnership under the name Design Practice Paulina Kacprzak, Agnieszka Naplocha Spółka Cywilna (Tax ID: 7451859426, Business ID: 524340279, located at str. Bruna 24/21, 02-594 Warsaw, Poland). In this document, we will refer to ourselves as "we", "us", or "our".

To make our Terms and Conditions easy to understand, we've used plain language. Throughout this document, we'll address you as "you" and "your".


Website: Our Website,, where we also run an online store.

Product: The digital content we offer, including videos, images, texts, or photographs. These can be viewed on computers or other electronic devices and are available for purchase and playback.

Consumer: An individual who enters into a contract with us for purposes not related to their trade, business, or profession.

Entrepreneur on Consumer Rights: A self-employed individual registered in the Central Register of Business Activity and Information (CEIDG), who enters into a contract with us for reasons not directly related to their business or professional activities.

Our Website showcases various Products, whose details are listed on the product pages of our Website. It's important to note that these descriptions are for your information only and do not constitute a formal sales offer or marketing material.

To successfully purchase a Product from us, you will need:

  • A stable broadband internet connection that supports streaming digital content, including videos.
  • An up-to-date web browser on your device.
  • A working email address.
  • Phone number

For a smooth shopping experience, we use EasyCart and other online service providers for certain functionalities. Keep in mind that your use of these services falls under their own terms and conditions.

While we aim to keep our Website operational 24/7, we can't guarantee this. You might experience downtime due to technical maintenance, updates, or issues with internet service providers. There may also be occasional errors or oversights on our site. Please remember, the information on our Website does not represent a legally binding offer. The final purchasing terms will be presented to you just before you complete your order and make a payment.

We take steps to protect your data and the content you publish on our Website, using various security measures. However, complete security of data transmission over the internet cannot be guaranteed. We advise you to be vigilant in protecting your passwords and devices from unauthorized access.

When using our Website and its services (like our Newsletter), or interacting with our Products, you might upload or share content with us. Please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Do not share or publish illegal content, or anything that goes against the law or moral standards.
  • Avoid materials that could harm or interfere with our Website.
  • Respect the rights of others; do not infringe upon them.
  • Refrain from uploading harmful software like viruses or spyware.
  • Do not use our site or Products to send unsolicited messages (SPAM).

2. Placing an Order

To order a Product, simply select it, choose your payment method, and complete the order process on the Website using EasyCart's features.

A contract is established between us when your payment is confirmed, or when an instalment payment method is agreed upon and we have received the payment for your order.

We will process your order and make the Product available to you immediately after receiving full payment, usually within 5 working days at the most.

Should there be any payment issues or technical problems with your order, we might need more time to make the Product available to you. We will notify you if this happens.

3. Provision of Digital Content and Payments

The prices for our Products include VAT (Value Added Tax) unless we state otherwise.

You can pay for the Products using the electronic payment options provided by third-party services. The specific details of these payment methods are outlined on our offer pages. Remember, when you use these payment services, you're also agreeing to their terms and conditions.

After you make a purchase, we'll send a VAT invoice to the email address you provided. This will be done within 7 days of finalizing the contract. By placing an order, you're agreeing to receive this invoice electronically.

We deliver our Products to you electronically. You'll receive an email linked to your EasyCart account with a link to access the digital content. You can also choose someone else to use the Product. They will need to follow these Terms and Conditions too.

 4. Satisfaction Guarantee

Some of our Products come with a Satisfaction Guarantee. If you're not happy with a Product that's covered by this guarantee, you can ask for a refund. The specific period within which you need to request a refund is mentioned on each Product's offer page.

To use the Satisfaction Guarantee, simply send a timely email to requesting a refund.

5. Withdrawal

Purchasing digital content like our Products comes with specific rights. If you choose to access the digital content right away, which means ticking a checkbox at the time of purchase, you're asking us to deliver the Product before the end of the 14-day withdrawal period. This is a standard period under Polish law where you can typically withdraw from an online purchase without stating a reason.

Even with our Satisfaction Guarantee, you still have the right to withdraw from a distance contract as a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on Consumer Rights. If you decide not to access the Product immediately within the withdrawal period, you can withdraw from the contract without giving a reason. This needs to be done within the 14-day period, and without incurring any costs apart from those specified by law. To withdraw, you need to send us a clear statement before the deadline expires. This can be done either through our postal or email address. We'll acknowledge the receipt of your withdrawal notice immediately.

As a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on Consumer Rights, you will not incur costs for receiving digital content that is not provided on a tangible medium if you have not consented to start the performance (i.e., receiving the Product) before the end of the withdrawal period as stipulated in Article 27 (1) or (2) of the Consumer Law. Additionally, this applies if you, as a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on Consumer Rights, were not informed about losing your right of withdrawal upon giving such consent, or if we have not provided confirmation in accordance with Article 15 (1) and Article 21 (1) of the Consumer Law.

Choosing to access the Product before the end of the withdrawal period is completely your decision. It's designed to ensure you receive the Product immediately, rather than waiting for the 14 days to pass. We're required to provide you with a model withdrawal statement. You're not obliged to use it, but if you decide to, it could read something like this: 

"I hereby give notice of my withdrawal from the contract of sale of the following goods". Make sure to include necessary details such as the date of the contract's conclusion, order number (if applicable), your name(s), email address, and your signature (if sending a paper copy).

Remember, our Satisfaction Guarantee, as mentioned in point 4, allows you to return the Product even after you have indicated your consent for early access.

If you, as a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on Consumer Rights, decide to go through with the withdrawal, we will reimburse the purchase price using the same payment method you originally used. This is unless you have expressly agreed to a different method of payment. In any case, this alternative method should not incur any additional costs for you.

6. Product Quality

We offer our Products as they are. While we believe they can be useful for skill development or professional growth, including for teachers in public institutions, we don't guarantee they'll always be suitable for these purposes, or that they'll lead to job opportunities or skill acquisition in the industry. Our Satisfaction Guarantee applies, but beyond that, we limit our liability for the Products as much as the law allows. According to Article 558 § 1 of the Civil Code, we fully exclude liability for physical and legal defects (warranty) for persons who are not Consumers or Entrepreneurs on Consumer Rights.

For Products that include digital elements (digital content), we want to inform Consumers and Entrepreneurs on Consumer Rights about several important points:

  1. We're responsible for ensuring the digital content matches what we've agreed upon for at least two years after you receive the Product.
  2. If a Product isn't as agreed, you're entitled to get it repaired or replaced.
  3. We'll handle any complaints within 14 days, whether by email or in writing.
  4. We consider digital content delivered once it's accessible on your chosen device.
  5. You can withdraw from the contract without asking us to deliver the digital content if it's clear from the offer terms, our statements, or contract circumstances that we won't deliver the content or if a specific delivery deadline was crucial and we missed it.
  6. We provide digital content in the version specified in our offer, whether it's video content, online access features, or any other format.
  7. We're not responsible for any issues with the digital content that were present at delivery and become obvious within two years, under certain conditions. Generally, if a problem shows up within a year of delivery, it's presumed to have existed at the time of delivery.
  8. If the digital content doesn't meet the contract terms, you have the right to ask for a price reduction or to withdraw from the contract under certain conditions, like if conforming the content to the contract is impossible or unreasonably costly, if we haven't managed to make the content conform, if the non-conformity persists despite our efforts, or if the non-conformity is so significant that it justifies a price reduction or withdrawal. Additionally, if it's clear from our statement or the circumstances that we will not bring the digital content into conformity with the sales contract within a reasonable time or without causing you unreasonable inconvenience, you can exercise these rights.
  9. We may reject a withdrawal if we show that the digital content's non-conformity with the contract is minor.

7. Personal Data and Cookies

Details about how we handle your data and use cookies are in our Privacy Policy, which you can find here:

 8. Content Rights

When you purchase a Product in the form of digital content from us, it's important to understand that this content is intended strictly for your own personal use, or for use by one specifically named user. This usage is subject to any additional restrictions that might be outlined in these Terms and Conditions, or next to the Product description on our Website or might result from the security measures we or EasyCart implement for accessing Product content.

You are not authorized to distribute, share, or make the purchased digital content, or any parts, extracts, or copies of it, available for any other purposes. This particularly applies to training, commercial use, or any form of public dissemination. Additionally, making alterations, modifications, or correcting errors in the digital content without our express consent is strictly prohibited.

If you are uncertain or need confirmation regarding the possibility of using the Products for educational or training purposes, such as in a teaching environment, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly at We are more than willing to clarify these terms for you.

It's also important to note that the use of the course by, or on behalf of, anyone other than the individual named during the purchase is not permitted. Such unauthorized use will be considered a violation of these Terms and Conditions. In cases where such a breach is identified, we reserve the right to immediately revoke access to the course without notice.

9. Final Provisions

We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions. Any changes we make will:

  • Always be in line with the law.
  • Not affect any rights you've already gained.
  • Come from our need to adapt to legal changes or to comply with court or authority decisions.
  • Be made to protect both your interests and ours from any violations of these Terms and Conditions.

We'll let you know about any updates by emailing you at the address you've provided. You can always find the latest version of the Terms and Conditions on our Website under the "Terms and Conditions" section.

The laws of Poland govern all your orders and use of our Website. Choosing Polish law won't strip you of any consumer rights protections. Where these Terms and Conditions don't cover, applicable laws apply, especially those in the Civil Code, the Consumer Rights Act, Copyright and Related Rights Act, and the Act on Provision of Electronically Delivered Services. We're committed to ensuring that none of these Terms and Conditions infringe on your statutory rights. If any part of these Terms is inconsistent with the law, the law will take precedence, and we'll follow that instead of the contested part.

If you're a Consumer and wish to, disputes can be resolved through mediation at the Provincial Trade Inspection Inspectorates or by an arbitration court at the same place. Consumers also have the option of using equivalent lawful methods for resolving disputes, like the EU ODR online platform or selecting an authorized entity from the UOKiK register. We are open to and agree to settle consumer disputes out of court.

These Terms and Conditions are effective from 6 February 2024.


We're thrilled you're interested in subscribing to our newsletter!

Let's clarify what our "Newsletter" is: it's digital content that includes design updates, info about our business and products, special material, and educational content.

When you sign up for our Newsletter, we enter into an agreement to send you this content for free and for an indefinite period (meaning there's no set end date), as long as you've given us your details and consent to send it to you.

The service providers are us, Paulina Kacprzak and Agnieszka Naplocha, operating as a civil partnership under the name Design Practice Paulina Kacprzak, Agnieszka Naplocha Spółka Cywilna. Our address is str. Bruna 24/21, 02-594 Warsaw, Poland, and our tax ID is 7451859426.

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. To use our Newsletter, you need internet access and an email address. Once you sign up with your email, a contract is formed, and we start providing the Newsletter service.
  2. The service involves sending you emails with information about our products, along with other informative and promotional content.
  3. The Newsletter is provided free of charge.
  4. The messages we send as part of this service are copyrighted works. Please don't copy, modify, or use them in any unauthorized way without our consent. Reach out to us at for any queries.
  5. The contract for the Newsletter service is open-ended.
  6. Please note that Newsletters are not updated.
  7. We don't commit to any specific delivery dates or frequency for the Newsletters.
  8. You have the freedom to terminate the Newsletter service contract at any time, without giving any reason. This termination is effective immediately. To unsubscribe, simply click the 'Unsubscribe' link included in every Newsletter.
  9. If you are a Consumer or an Entrepreneur on Consumer Rights, you have the option to withdraw from the Newsletter service contract within 14 days of its commencement. Alternatively, you can unsubscribe using the link provided in the Newsletter.
  10. Ending the service is simple and immediate. You can terminate the contract by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link in any of our Newsletters.
  11. We may decide to suspend or stop providing the Newsletter service. If we've committed to a specific sending schedule, we'll inform you via email before ceasing the service.
  12. If you'd like to start getting the Newsletter again, you're welcome to re-subscribe.
  13. If you have any complaints about the Newsletter service, please send them to our email or postal address. Include your contact details for us to send a response, and describe the issue and your desired resolution. We'll address your complaint within 14 days of receiving it.